Character Day

On Wednesday 12th December 2018, we will be holding our second Character Day of the year.  On Character Days, the normal timetable is suspended so that students can participate in a range of engaging, enriching and educational activities, such as workshops, competitions and visits. All students with a positive House Point total will be taking part in the following activities:

Year Group


Year 7

The students will participate in a rolling programme of workshops that explore various careers and skills required in the world of work. The activity is being led by Ms Brader.

Year 8

The students will be visiting a Museum, travelling by coach. There is a subsidised travel cost of £5 per student. This should be paid via parent pay. Students must bring a packed lunch with them, as there will not be an opportunity to buy food at the academy or at the venue.  Students who are entitled to free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch by the Academy.  At the end of the visit, all students will return to the academy and will be dismissed at approximately 15.10.  Please pay £5 via parent pay, and return the signed permission slip to reception by Monday, 3rd December 2018. The activity is being led by Ms Long.

Year 9

The students will be participating in a rolling programme of workshops that explore the importance of learning a language. The activity is being led by Mr Rivo.

Year 10, Year 12 and Year 13

The students will be visiting Sussex University, travelling by coach. There is a subsidised travel cost of £5 per student. This should be paid via parent pay. Students must bring a packed lunch with them, as there will not be an opportunity to buy food at the academy or at the venue.  Students who are entitled to free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch by the Academy.  At the end of the visit, all students will return to the academy and will be dismissed at approximately 15.10.  Please pay £5 via parent pay, and return the signed permission slip to reception by Monday, 3rd December 2018.  This activity is being led by Ms Gringeri.

Year 11

The students will participate in a Maths and English focus booster day. There will be a focus on topic consolidation and exam preparation. The day is being coordinated by Mr Wheatley.

All students should arrive at the academy at the normal time, dressed in full academy uniform. Students will attend Tutor Time as usual and then participate in their planned programme for the day.  Students will be dismissed from the academy at the normal time.  

We hope that your child enjoys Character Day!

Kind regards,

Ms Y. Biosah

Assistant Principal