Exam Results and Performance
Students at Harris Garrard Academy celebrated outstanding GCSE results in August 2024. Find out more. Full details of our 2023-24 results, including Progress 8 score, will be added here once finalised.
Harris Garrard Academy achieved a Progress 8 score of +0.29 for 2022-2023. This is an amazing achievement following the disruption to education that students nationally suffered during Covid 19, and puts us well above the national average.
This is even more remarkable when you consider the Progress 8 score of our predecessor schools (the Bexley Business Academy and Garrard Academy) which were -0.5 and -0.14 respectively.
Key Stage 4 (2022-23)
The following results are based on our exam results for 2022-23, announced in August 2023:
- Our Progress 8 score is +0.29
- Our Attainment 8 score is 4.6
- 34% of students achieved Grade 5 or above in English and Maths
- 71% of students entered the EBacc, with 32% of the entire cohort achieving it. The average points score was 3.98.
View our Department for Education performance information.
16-19 results (2022-23)
The following results are based on our exam results for 2022-23, announced in August 2023:
- A Level average grade is C-
- BTEC & Vocational average grade is Distinction
- A* - A grades - 11%
- A* - B grades - 35%
- A* - E grades - 94%
View our Department for Education performance information.
Key Stages 1-2 (2022-23)
The academy also achieved amazing primary results in this academic year, achieving well above national across the school, with 60% of students achieving the expected level in combined measure (reading, writing and maths) at the end of Key Stage 2 when national results fell to only 59%. There were some amazing individual results which you can see below.
- 71% of pupils achieved expected in reading compared to 73% nationally
- 85% of pupils achieved expected in maths compared to just 73% nationally
- 81% of pupils achieved expected in writing compared to just 71% nationally
- Average progress that pupils have made in reading between KS1 and KS2 – 0.03
- Average progress that pupils have made in writing between KS1 and KS2 – 2.1
- Average progress that pupils have made in maths between KS1 and KS2 – 0.9
- Percentage of pupils who’ve achieved a higher standard in reading and maths was 10%, 12% and 22% in writing.
In our KS1 Phonics Check 90% of pupils passed this important bench mark compared to 81% nationally.
In our Multiplication Check for Year 4 82% of students scored 20+/25 compared to 69% nationally.
Finally, our Key Stage 1 students, beat national scores in reading 73% and writing with 73%. In maths they scored 77% compared to a national of 72%.
We are very proud of our students, staff, parents/carers and the community for working together to make these results happen. These achievements change children’s lives and open new opportunities. Working together does and will enable us to achieve great things for our students and local community.
Swimming attainment 2022-23
- 68% are swimming confidently and proficiently over at least 25m
- 59% can use a range of strokes effectively
- 72% can perform a safe self-rescue in water based situations